Thursday, October 30, 2008

We Are Doomed :(

As I start to grow and get more into politics and this election, my eyes have started to open on things. I think both these candidates are not worthy enough nor have the experience to be President. I also think Bush was a terrible president also. These men seem like they are just puppets and it’s the guys behind them that actually run this government. Obama and McCain are not the ones to vote for in my opinion. The one and only thing we need to do on Election Day is not vote for Obama and McCain but write in Ron Paul. If you want to vote and make a difference for the better of our country, you shouldn’t vote for these two clowns. If you actually look into Obama’s tax plan, it’s socialist. Same applies for McCain when a girl asks why her father, a doctor, should pay more because he makes more and McCain replies that, "once you reach a certain level of comfort, you can afford it". We are forced to pick the lesser of the two evils. Instead of picking them we should write in, Ron Paul, who would get things done.
We are forced to live in a country where the majority of voters (a.k.a. majority of the nation's citizens) make uninformed decisions which consequently leads to a major race between two of the highest funded puppets. The country is turning into a hole of uniformed people. They would rather have the media tell them who is good/bad vs. getting off their ass and doing some research on their own. No one wants to think for themselves anymore.


Steven Le said...

I agree with Steven's position in his blog post "We Are Doomed :(" which states that the two candidates for president have neither experience nor the worthiness to be president of the United States. Not only does he point out valid statements how President Bush was a terrible president, but the parties behind the presidential candidates are the ones in control compared to the candidates themselves.

I mean I don't see myself voting for any of the two candidates, as Steven also believes, because I don't think they can solve the problem within the country. Maybe I am afraid of the two candidates or just don't think they're up for the task, but it is still too early to say whether they are good or bad because we just don't know the outcome yet. Mr. Tran feels that we should write Ron Paul, I feel as if he should have elaborated on why he feels this way. What makes Ron Paul approvable in Steven's eyes?

I don't agree with Steven when he says "If you want to vote and make a difference for the better of our country, you shouldn’t vote for these two clowns." because not voting is something that we shouldn't do. Even though I don't necessarily see myself voting for any of the two candidates, but I lean a little towards Obama and so I believe that I would have probably voted for Obama. Steven pulls my attention in once again when he writes "We are forced to pick the lesser of the two evils." which I could not have put in better words myself.

Your idea about the candidates not being worthy or ready enough is fairly reasonable. Though Bush has put himself the country in a bad situation, I deeply feel bad for anybody to have to stand up and clean this mess up. It is agreeable to say, that we want what’s best for our country.

yannang said...


Steven Tran said...

Hey steven, i actually meant that you should vote for Ron Paul instead of those two.

US political events 2008 said...

My classmate - Steven Tran - wrote strong emotional article "We are doomed :(" about two candidates in last Vote 2008: Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. John McCain. He criticized that both of them are puppets, clowns, and evils. He also commentated President Bush is terrible. One thing makes me surprised when he voted for Mr. Ron Paul who is also old like McCain and lost in early primary vote.
I feel interested when I read his comment because his opinion is strong, bold and certain. I had the same confusion for two candidates. However, he didn't give us strong evidents why he thought both candidates are bad and why Mr. Ron Paul is better? that makes his critic less convincible.
I also disagree with him about ideas"we are forced to pick the lesser of the two evils" or "we are forced to live in a country where the majority of voters (a.k.a. majority of the nation's citizens) make uninformed decisions...". Majority of voters vote for Obama because they think he can make more profit than the other. We can vote for any candidate we like, no one can forced us except ourselves.