Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hooray for 700 Billion Dollar Payday!

Are we bailing out CEOs? Im going to have to agree with Brian and say, yes we are. He mentions “
Banks are notorious for their generous annual bonuses paid out to their CEOs and other top advisers. This bonus is thousands of times larger than the average annual American income and is on top of their overly bloated salary.” On top of that some of the bailout money was funding vacations and lavish “business meetings” that cost almost 300,000. The money spent doesn’t seem like a bailout to me, It seems like a huge bonus/payday for these CEOs.
Brian also mentions “Why do CEOs of failing banks continue to be hoisted to their relaxed and cushioned seats at a steep cost to the taxpayer? Should we reward these obese fat cats of failing businesses for running their corporation into the ground?” I say its cause the American government rewards failure.
Also here is some food for thought. The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

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